Hassan Nasrulla

Again and again and again, this guy proves to be so kind and generous, firm but kind. In spite of all the criticism and lack of support he is getting from the Arab Regimes, he never allowed himself to face them with their realties. In spite of all the bitterness and shock that is widely spreading among all the Arab citizens allover the world, he did not want to expose these Regimes in front of their peoples. In spite of an apparent Golden Chance to ignite the whole region with riots and demonstrations against these regimes, he insisted on keeping himself and his cause over and above all these small and tiny movements of Arab Regimes.
It is a pity that one humble movement leader like Hassan Nasrulla could be able to teach those who call themselves Heroes, Leaders, …etc. of the Arab World, the art of resistance, the essence of dignity and even the concept of commitment to their own causes. He could've asked them about their Detainees in the Israeli prisons, the ones that have been deprived from their least human rights for more than 30 years. Could King Abdullah of Jordan or Mr. Mubarak of Egypt answer to this question if it was asked?
What do the so called Leaders of Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt want people like Sheikh Nasrulla to do? More than 75% of the Arab people feel the same as he does. We agreed to peace treaties as they sold them to us as the end of all wars and atrocities. But what they did not tell us about is that the price we will have to pay for it is so unaffordable. They made the deal for us to sell our Dignity, our Sons and our economic interests in return for what they elected to call PEACE. And they want us to believe that this could be a sustainable peace. How come? How can this kind of peace be sustainable?
Can Mr. Mubarak answer to his people's question? It is a very legitimate and important question, yet he never answered it. If Israel has the right to defend its soldiers and ensure their safety and wellbeing, and that Hezbollah is the aggressor that started all this fire, why did not Egypt consider the Israeli killing of 2 Egyptian soldiers a month ago an act of aggression that should have brought Egypt and the whole Arab world into war against Israel? Why? Why it can be acceptable for Israel to kill 2 Egyptian soldiers this year and 3 other ones a year ago, and get away with it? Why should Israel destruct the whole of Lebanon and kill almost 500 innocent citizens for 2 Israeli soldiers, while Mr. Mubarak president of Egypt receives Uhud Olmert with a smile and a tap on his shoulder in return of his killing of the Egyptian poor soldiers? Is this what the Saudi, Jordanian and Egyptian Leaders want Hassan Nasrulla to do? Is this what they want us to live with from now on? Israel kills as much as they can of us and in the name of peace, we accept it with a smile?
One thing that all Arab Kings, Princes, Presidents. .etc. should know, this is the kind of questions that all the Arabs are asking, and the more the Arab Leaders are avoiding such questions, the more depressed their peoples are getting. Not only this, but more importantly, the more fanatic and desperate they get.
Arab Leaders, be aware of what is going on in the hearts and minds of your people!!!!
Labels: Arab Regimes, Egypt, Egyptian Regime, Hassan Nasralla, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Lebanon War, Middle East, Middle East Crisis, War