The Egyptian Falcon

This blog is focussed on the Egyptian issues with an eye on the regional and international issues.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

A Letter To The UNESCO in Defence of Al Aqsa


This topic is part of a campaign to defend Al Aqsa mosque by sending a letter to the UNESCO as follows:
Mr. Koïchiro Matsuura
Ms. Hala Tannous
Dear Sirs
We acknowledge and appreciate your great efforts to protect and save the priceless human heritage all over the world. Recently, we read that a group of professional investigators has been sent by the UNESCO to Jerusalem to investigate the situation of Israeli excavations at the area of Al Masjed Al Aqsa, which we have a big concern that this may affect the foundations and lead to buildings collapse for one of the most important historic elements of this area and allover the world.We do support your efforts and your investigation group and looking for assigning a permanent office near this area to monitor, expose and stop any trial to destroy our heritage either for political or religious reasons.
Thank you and best regards,
This was the form of the letter for you to use if you want to, the e:mail addresses are:
Let's try to stop this idiocy and anti humanity actions.

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